Kirkton Solar Farm

Public Consultation


This website has been created as part of the public consultation process for the proposed Kirkton Solar Farm and energy storage facility. Due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and current restrictions on public assembly, we are following Scottish Government Guidelines and are therefore unable to hold a public consultation event.

Initial consultation has been undertaken by Elgin Energy through engagement with Aberdeenshire Council and residents living close to the proposed development. With this website, we are providing information to the wider community and seeking feedback to inform the project design. It is important to note that the project is evolving through detailed design and stakeholder consultation therefore we suggest you revisit the website from time to time to check on developments or changes to the project.

Due to the size of this project, this planning application will be considered by the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit. Please note that partaking in this process does not affect your statutory rights to make representations to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit in respect of the planning application when submitted.

It has come to our attention that the project description and project information booklet previously displayed on this website and issued as part of the consultation process incorrectly described the development proposal as “accommodating approximately 35 megawatts (MW) of ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panels.” Elgin Energy would like to advise that the proposal seeks to accommodate 50 megawatts (MW) of solar panels.

Accordingly the project website and project information booklet have been amended to address this anomaly. Further we would advise that all other information contained on this website and issued as part of the consultation process remains accurate.

Elgin Energy apologises for any inconvenience caused and we look forward to engaging with you as part of this process.

  • AB42 3PD Kirkton, Aberdeenshire
  • 50MW Approximate Project Size
  • 260 acres Site Area
  • Aberdeenshire Local Council
  • Energy Consents Unit Consenting Authority